If you want to improve your life and health, meet goals you’ve been dreaming of (and procrastinating about) for years, or just feel like you’re hanging out with your new best buddy talking about anything at all, and (Whoa!!) suddenly realize you’ve lost a stubborn 15 pounds—Jess is TOTALLY YOUR COACH! We had ONE conversation about weight which has been a problem for me since forever. She helped me clarify my goals with incredible directness and her signature warmth and empathy, and, yeah, 15 pounds disappeared in the four months since then. What’s an even bigger deal, for me, is that it’s happening without me questioning whether it’s worth my time and effort amidst all the other complexities of my life. I’m doing this. Now, not next month or next year. Without looking back, and without being afraid. Jessica’s help, in the ‘one conversation that changed my life’, really helped me to be able to carry this out, and I’ll always be grateful.